1 Huo, B., Tian, M., Tian, Y., Zhang, Q.*, (2019) “The dilemma of inter-organizational relationships: Dependence, use of power and their impacts on opportunism”,International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 39 No. 1, pp. 2-23 (除导师外一作, SSCI, ABS-4)
2 Wang, K., Huo B.,Tian, M.*, “How to protect specific investments: The role of customer integration and transformational leadership”, (2021) International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 232 (通讯作者, SCI, ABS-3)
3 Yang, L., Huo, B., Tian, M.*, Han, Z., (2021) “The impact of digitalization and inter-organizational technological activity on supplier opportunism: The moderating role of relational tie”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 41 No. 7, pp. 1085-1118 (通讯作者, SSCI, ABS-4)
4 Huo, B., Liu, R., Tian, M.* (2022) “The bright side of dependence asymmetry: Mitigating power use and facilitating relational ties”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 251 (通讯作者, SCI, ABS-3)
5 Wang, K., Huo, B., Tian, M.*, Yeung, A.C., (2024) “Revisiting the interplay of trust and contracts: The roles of technological turbulence and dependence disadvantage”, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Accept (通讯作者, SSCI, ABS-3)
6 Tian, M., Huo B., Park, Y., Kang, M.*, (2021) “Enablers of supply chain integration: A technology-organization-environment view”,Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 121 No. 8, pp. 1871-1895 (第一作者, SCI, ABS-2)
7 Tian, M., Huo, B.*, Tian, Y., (2022) “The effect of the dependence structure on the response to power asymmetry in buyer-supplier relationships”,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 52 No. 2, pp. 170-189 (第一作者, SSCI, ABS-2)
8 Huo, B., Guo, M., Tian, M.*, (2022) “The effects of firm’s specific investments on firm’s market performance: The mediating Role of innovation”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 208-222. (通讯作者, SSCI, ABS-2)
9 Huo, B., He, H., Tian, M.*, (2023) “Conflict management strategies and their relationships with exchange performance in supply chains”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 53 No. 10, pp. 1217-1239 (通讯作者, SSCI, ABS-2)