注:# equal authorship, * corresponding author
1. Deng, Y.#, Lin, W. #*, Song, Y., Wang, M., Cai, D., & Liu, J. (2024). Socialization as a political arena: A multi-agent interactionist perspective to understand political skill and newcomer socialization rates. Academy of Management Journal. (TAMUGA-8, FT-50, AJG/ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, UTD-24, SSCI; 通俗解读https://www.view.sdu.edu.cn/info/1021/190417.htm)
2. Lin, W.*, Shao, Y., Li, G., Guo, Y., & Zhan, X.* (2021). The psychological implications of COVID-19 on employee job insecurity and its consequences: The mitigating role of organization adaptive practices. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(3), 317–329. (TAMUGA-8, FT-50, AJG/ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, SSCI; ESI高被引论文, 被期刊编辑部精选并改写为通俗版本在大众媒体传播, 英文版见https://www.ioatwork.com/how-to-improve-employees-sense-of-job-security-during-a-crisis, 中文版见https://www.glxy.sdu.edu.cn/info/1019/5390.htm)
3. Chen, X., Lee, C., Hui, C., Lin, W.*, Brown, G., Liu, J. (2023). Feeling possessive, performing well? Effects of job-based psychological ownership on territoriality, information exchange, and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(3), 403-424. (TAMUGA-8, FT-50, AJG/ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, SSCI; 入选为国家自然科学基金委管理科学部代表性资助成果https://www.nsfc.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab1202/info89352.htm)
4. Li, G., Rubenstein, A., Lin, W.*, Wang, M., Chen, X. (2018). The curvilinear effect of benevolent leadership on team performance: The mediating role of team action processes and the moderating role of team commitment. Personnel Psychology, 71, 369-397. (TAMUGA-8, AJG/ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, SSCI; 文章通俗版本见https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_7DTrCfmH1mss3I2srPlow)
5. Lin, W.*, Koopmann, J., & Wang, M. (2020). How does workplace helping behavior step up or slack off? Integrating enrichment-based and depletion-based perspectives. Journal of Management, 46, 385-413. (FT-50, AJG/ABS-4*, ABDC-A*, SSCI)
6. Wei, W., ... Lin, W. et al. (2017). Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality. Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 890-895. (Nature子刊, SSCI)
7. Lin, W., Ma, J., Wang, L., & Wang, M. (2015). A double-edged sword: The moderating role of conscientiousness in the relationships between work stressors, psychological strain and job performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 94-111. (AJG/ABS-4, ABDC-A*, SSCI)
8. Lin, W., Wang, L., Bamberger, A. P., Zhang, Q., et al. (2016). Leading future orientations for current effectiveness: The role of engagement and supervisor coaching in linking future work self-salience to job performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 92, 145-156. (AJG/ABS-4, ABDC-A*, SSCI)
9. Lin, W.*, Ma, J., Zhang, Q., & Jiang, F. (2018). How is benevolent leadership linked to employee creativity? The mediating role of leader-member exchange and the moderating role of power distance orientation. Journal of Business Ethics, 152, 1099-1115. (FT-50, ABDC-A, SSCI)
10. Deng, Y., Lin, W.*, & Li, G. (2022). When and how does team task conflict spark team innovation? A contingency perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 181 (3), 745-761. (FT-50, ABDC-A, SSCI; 通俗解读https://www.view.sdu.edu.cn/info/1021/157018.htm)
11. Bai, Q., Lin, W., & Wang, L. (2016). Family incivility and counterproductive work behavior: A moderated mediation model of self-esteem and emotional regulation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 94, 11-19. (AJG/ABS-4, ABDC-A*, SSCI)
12. Jia, J., Feng, B., Deng, Y., Lin, W.*, & Ning, D. (2024). Leader humility and follower prosocial behaviors: Integrating three theoretical perspectives. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Advance online publication. (AJG/ABS-4, ABDC-A, SSCI)
13. Yu, K., Lin, W., Wang, L., Ma, J., Wei, W. et al. (2016). The role of affective commitment and future work self-salience in the abusive supervision-job performance relationship. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89, 28-45. (AJG/ABS-4, ABDC-A, SSCI)
14. Li, F., Liu, B., Lin, W.*, Wei, X., & Xu, Z. (2021). How and when servant leadership promotes service innovation: A moderated mediation model. Tourism Management, 86, 104358. (AJG/ABS-4, ABDC-A*, SSCI; 通俗解读https://www.view.sdu.edu.cn/info/1021/151713.htm)
1. Lin, W., Wang, L., & Chen, S. (2013). Abusive supervision and employee wellbeing: The moderating effect of power distance orientation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 62, 308-329. (AJG/ABS-3, ABDC-A, SSCI)
2. Deng, Y., Lin, W.*, & Yao, X. (2024). A dynamic model of demand-ability fit change in proactive socialization: A latent change score approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 226, 112693. (AJG/ABS-3, ABDC-A, SSCI)
3. Wang, L., & Lin, W. (2011). Wording effects and the dimensionality of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1056-1061. (AJG/ABS-3, ABDC-A, SSCI)
4. Jiang, F., Lu, S., Wang, H., Zhu, X., & Lin, W. (2021). The roles of leader empowering behaviour and employee proactivity in daily job crafting: A compensatory model. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(1), 58–69. (AJG/ABS-3, ABDC-A, SSCI)
5. Zhan, X., Lu, N., Lin, W.*, Luo, W., Zhang, X. (2024). Can corporate social responsibility reduce customer mistreatment? A contingent dual-process model. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility. Advance online publication. (AJG/ABS-2, ABDC-B, SSCI)
6. Jia, J., Yan, J., Jahanshahi, A. A., Lin, W.*, & Bhattacharjee, A. (2020). What makes employees more proactive? Roles of job embeddedness, the perceived strength of the HRM system and empowering leadership. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 58, 107-127. (AJG/ABS-2, SSCI)
7. Xiong, K., Lin, W.*, Li, C., & Wang, L. (2016). Employee trust in supervisors and affective commitment: The moderating role of authentic leadership. Psychological Reports, 118, 829-849. (AJG/ABS-1, SSCI)
8. Jin, Y., Lu, N., Deng, Y., Lin, W.*, Zhan, X., Feng, B., & Li, G. (2023). Becoming reluctant to share? Roles of career age and career plateau in the relationship between ethical leadership and knowledge sharing. Current Psychology, advance online publication. (AJG/ABS-1, SSCI)
9. Zhou, M., & Lin, W.* (2016). Adaptability and life satisfaction: The moderating role of social support. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1134. (SSCI)
1. 林伟鹏*, 冯保艺. (2022). 管理学领域的曲线效应及统计检验方法. 南开管理评论, 25(1), 155-164.
2. 林伟鹏*. (2018). 管理学研究基础:什么是研究以及如何做一个好的实证研究. 人力资源管理评论, 1, 1-10. (研究基础相关文章“研究就是凑变量?如何从学术小白到顶刊发表”见https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HxUGzvHZS07JugmAAeAEWA)
3. 徐心, 林伟鹏, 吴刚. (2021). 工商管理学科领域“面向世界前沿问题”的凝练机制探索. 管理评论, 33(11), 3–12.
4. 张玉利, 吴刚, 杨俊, 徐心, 冉仑, 林伟鹏. (2021). 工商管理学科发展的战略思考与举措. 管理评论, 33(4), 3–11.
5. 高文阳, 李伟, 林伟鹏, 翁清雄, 王阳, 杨松. (2021). 潜变化分数模型在组织行为学追踪研究中的应用. 中国人力资源开发, 38(11), 6–25.
6. 李鸿雁, 林伟鹏, 何瑞卿. (2020). 中国情境下CSR大样本实证研究:理论、设计及模型. 预测, 39(3), 90–96.
7. 林伟鹏*, 卢娜, 李圭泉. (2022). 创业领域如何采用混合研究设计开展研究. 刊于杨俊等主编, 创业研究前沿: 问题、理论与方法 (788-802页). 北京, 机械工业出版社.
8. 张玉利, 任之光, 杨俊, 徐心, 冉仑, 林伟鹏. (2023). 工商管理学科“十四五”发展战略与优先发展领域研究报告. 北京, 科学出版社.
9. 周宓, 林伟鹏, 张晶轩. (2016). 工业与组织心理学(译著). 长沙: 国防科技大学出版社.
1. Lin, W., Deng, Y., Ohya, T., & Koopmann, J. (2024). Too safe to perform: Curvilinear consequences of psychological safety climate on team. Paper accepted by The Dark Causes and Effects of Psychological Safety Symposium at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
2. Lin, W.*, Jin, Y., Zhan, X. (2020). When ethical leadership is not effective: Moderating roles of career age and career plateau. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
3. Lin, W.*, Ma, J. (2020). How and when leader-member exchange leads to followers’ deviant behaviors: A power perspective. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.
4. Lin, W.*, Huang, J., Cai, D., Qi, L., & Liu, B. (2019). Nonlinearity in the relationship between authoritarian leadership and employee service performance. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, MA.
5. Lin, W.* & Yu, K. (2019). The enriching and depleting effects of workplace proactivity on work-family conflict. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Boston, MA.
6. Lin, W.*, & Lin, F. (2018). When is hindrance stressors challenge: The roles of political skill and stress appraisal. Paper presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, IL.
7. Lin, W.*, Kong, Y., & Ma, J. (2016). How does helping self-sustain? A psychological safety perspective. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA.
8. Lin, W.*, & Zhang, A. (2016). Perish in comfort? The moderating role of conscientiousness in the curvilinear relationship between psychological safety and creativity. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA.
9. Lin, W.*, Li, C., & Zhang, Q. (2016). Follower political Skill, leader-member exchange, and performance: A followership perspective. Paper presented at the 31th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Top Poster). Anaheim, CA.
10. Yu, K., Lin, W., Wang, L., Ma, J. (2015). The role of affective commitment and future work self-salience in the abusive supervision-job performance relationship. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Philadelphia, PA.
11. Zhang, Q., Wang, L., Lin, W., Ma, J., & Yu, K. (2015). Communication frequency, quality and relationship satisfaction: A P-E fit approach. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Philadelphia, PA.
12. Lin, W.*, Zhang, Q., Wang, L., Yu, K., Ma, J., & Wei, W. (2014). Leader coaching and employee performance: A multilevel moderated mediation model. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Honolulu, Hawaii.
13. Lin, W.* (2014). The Moderating role of promotion-prevention focus in the relationships between supervisor coaching behaviors and performance. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris, France.
14. Yu, K., Lin, W., Liu, C., Zhang, Q., & Wang, L. (2014). Ethical leadership and employee performance: A cross-level moderated mediation model. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris, France.
15. Wang, L., Lin, W., & Ma, J. (2013). The moderating role of conscientiousness in the relationships between work stressors, psychological strain and job performance. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Houston, Texas.
16. Lin, W.* (2012). Political skill and locus of control as moderators of the relationships between work stressors and burnout. Paper presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa.
17. Lin. W.* (2010). Job burnout: The assessment, antecedents and interventions. Invited speaker at the 1st International Conference of Work Stress and Job Burnout. Beijing, China.
18. Lin, W.* (2010). When is abusive supervision not related to employee psychological health: The moderating role of power distance orientation. Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Melbourne, Australia.