1. Fairness as a Robust Utilitarianism, Production and Operations Management, 2024.
2. Information dissemination behavior of self-media in emergency: Considering the impact of information synergistic-hedging effect on public utility, Expert Systems With Applications, 2024.
3. Strategic disclosure of carrier's carbon emission reduction information by competitive shippers in marine supply chains, Ocean and Coastal Management, 2024.
4. Environmental investment timing and dual government incentives under uncertain carbon allowances, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024.
5. Risk aggregation considering probabilistic and consequential interactions: A general formulation with computational cost handling, Risk Analysis, 2023.
6. 考虑参考价格效应的中断供应链动态恢复策略, 系统工程理论与实践, 2023.
7. Treating SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant infection by molnupiravir for pandemic mitigation and living with the virus: a mathematical modeling study, Scientific Reports, 2023.
8. Reliable Network Design Considering Endogenous Customers’ Choices under Probabilistic Arc Failures, IISE Transactions, 2023.
9. An emergency supplies procurement strategy based on a bidirectional option contract, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2023.
10. 基于中小供应商低碳融资需求的核心企业统一授信额度配置研究, 中国管理科学, 2023.
11. 环保刚性约束下中小企业污染共治策略演化博弈分析, 中国管理科学, 2023.
12. An intelligent matching recommendation algorithm for a manufacturing capacity sharing platform with fairness concerns, International Journal of Production Research, 2022.
13. Closed-loop supply chain value co-creation considering equity crowdfunding, Expert Systems With Applications, 2022.
14. Mitigation strategies for expiration in perishable emergency inventory system, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021.
15. A multi-regional, hierarchical-tier mathematical model of the spread and control of COVID-19 epidemics from epicentre to adjacent regions, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2021.
16. Supply chain green innovation subsidy strategy considering consumer heterogeneity, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021.
17. 跟单服务与溢短交易驱动下产能分享供应链均衡策略选择, 中国管理科学, 2021.
18. 消费者参与创新对供应链价值创造的影响研究, 科研管理, 2021.
19. 基于“ENGO+核心企业”的中小供应商污染治理策略研究, 中国人口·资源与环境, 2021.
20. Optimal scheduling of airport ferry vehicles based on capacity network, Annals of Operations Research, 2020.
21. “供应链+多元主体”视角下中小制造企业污染共治路径与机制研究, 中国软科学, 2020.
22. The robust analysis of supply chain based on uncertainty computation: insight from open innovation, Cluster Computing, 2019.
23. 电商平台扣点率影响下的双渠道供应链协调定价研究, 中国管理科学, 2019.
24. 基于临期回收和响应供给策略的易逝性应急物资库存决策研究, 中国管理科学, 2019.
25. Inventory optimization of airport perishable emergency supplies with replacement strategy facing stochastic occurrence time by CVaR approach, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018.
26. Optimization and simulation for airport emergency inventory replacement, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 2017.
27. 共创视角下考虑开放式创新的供应链价值创造研究, 中国管理科学, 2017.
B. 教研成果
1.《优选法与统筹法及其创新性应用》, 山东大学出版社, 2020年
2.《供应链物流管理》, 经济科学出版社, 2021年
3.《管理经济学》, 经济科学出版社, 2018年
4. 供应链管理培养体系探究, 物流技术, 2019.
5. 基于模糊综合评价的大学生创业教育满意度研究, 黑龙江高教研究, 2019.