1. Jianhui Huang, Shujun Wang, Zhen Wu, Robust Stackelberg differential game with model uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(7), 3363-3380, 2022.
2. Xinwei Feng, Jianhui Huang, Shujun Wang, Social optima of backward linear-quadratic-Gaussian mean-field teams. Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 84, 651-694, 2021.
3. Shujun Wang, Hua Xiao, Individual and mass behavior in large population forward–backward stochastic control problems: centralized and Nash equilibrium solutions. Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 42, 1269-1292, 2021.
4. Shujun Wang, Zhen Wu, Stochastic maximum principle for optimal control problems of forward-backward delay systems involving impulse controls, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 30, 280-306, 2017.
5. Jianhui Huang, Shujun Wang, Zhen Wu, Backward mean-field linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) games: full and partial information, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(12), 3784-3796, 2016.
6. Jianhui Huang, Shujun Wang, Dynamic optimization of large-population systems with partial information, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 168, 231-245, 2016.
7. Jianhui Huang, Shujun Wang, Zhen Wu, Backward-forward linear-quadratic mean-field games with major and minor agent, Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk, 1, 1-27, 2016.
8. Shujun Wang, Zhen Wu, Maximum principle for optimal control problems of forward-backward regime-switching systems involving impulse controls, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 1-13, 2015.