1. 从“培育者”到“影响者”:数字化转型如何推动绿色创新发展:基于浪潮的纵向案例研究. 中国软科学, 2023, 10, 146-163.
2. 如何让员工“爱司所爱,行司所行”? 基于社会信息处理理论的绿色人力资源管理与员工绿色行为关系研究. 南开管理评论, 2021, 24(5), 185-191.
3. 企业绿色创新路径构建及动态演化研究.中国软科学, 2021, 3, 141-154.
4. 国有及民营企业何以激活可持续人力资源管理?——制度逻辑视角下的定性比较分析. 人力资源管理评论, 2021, 1, 48-67.
5. 组织政治氛围与组织绩效的关系研究. 南开管理评论, 2019, 22(1), 55-65.
6. 辱虐管理与员工创造力关系研究. 山东社会科学, 2019, 9, 147-153+135.
7. 面向高管的战略人力资源管理与公司创业关系研究. 山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016, 5, 85-93.
8. 基于人力资源管理强度中介作用的组织沟通与员工创新行为研究.管理学报, 2016, 13(1), 76-84.
9. Why do they slack off in teamwork? Understanding frontline hospitality employees’ social loafing when faced with exploitative leadership. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2023, 109, 103420.
10. Select the Mr. Right: The interaction effect between implicit leadership and implicit followership on employees’ workplace behaviors. Personnel Review, 2021, 50(3), 845-864.
11. Customer orientation and success in introduction of new products: An empirical study in an emerging economy. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2020, 35(2), 306-317.
12. The impact of high-commitment HR practices on hotel employees’ proactive customer service performance. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2017, 58(1), 94-107.
13. Sexual harassment and proactive customer service performance: The roles of job engagement and sensitivity to interpersonal mistreatment. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2016, 54, 116-126.