1. 中文一A论文
• 徐凤增、袭威、徐月华(通讯作者). 2021. 乡村走向共同富裕过程中的治理机制及其作用——一项双案例研究. 管理世界,12,134-151.
2. 国际A类以上期刊论文
• Xiaocong Tian, Yuehua Xu*(Corresponding author), Daphne W. Yiu. 2024. Foreign director exit in the midst of deteriorating bilateral political relations. Journal of Management, forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1177/01492063241265039. (SSCI; IF/2023: 14.7, FT50)
• Yuehua Xu*(Corresponding author), Shujie Zhang, Manyuan Li, Depeng Liu, Haichuan Zhao, Guiyao Tang. 2024. Work-family interference in urban China: Gender discrimination and the effects of work-family balance policies. npj Urban Sustainability, 4(1), 1-11. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42949-023-00137-6. (Nature Portfolio)
• Ling Zhang, Yuehua Xu*(Corresponding author), Honghui Chen. 2022. Do returnee executives value corporate philanthropy? Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics. (SSCI; IF/2019: 5.453, FT50)
• Daphne W. Yiu, William P. Wan,Yuehua Xu*(Corresponding author). 2019. Alternative governance and corporate financial fraud in transition economies: Evidence from China.Journal of Management, 45(7), 2685-2720. (SSCI; IF/2018: 9.056, FT50)
• Weiwen Li, Ryan Krause, Xin Qin, Junsheng Zhang, Hang Zhu, Shanshan Lin, Yuehua Xu. 2018. Under the microscope: An experimental look at board transparency and director monitoring behavior. Strategic Management Journal, 39(4), 1216-1236. (SSCI; IF/2018: 5.572, UTD24, FT50)
• Daphne W. Yiu, Yuehua Xu* (Co-corresponding author), William P. Wan. 2014. The deterrence effects of vicarious punishments on corporate financial fraud. Organization Science, 25(5), 1549-1571. (SSCI; IF/2014: 3.775, UTD24, FT50)
3. 国际B以上期刊论文
• Shan Xue, Yi Tang, Yuehua Xu* (Co-first author, co-corresponding), Chuding Ling, Xiaoyun Xie*, & Shenjiang Mo. 2024. How boards’ factional faultlines affect corporate financial fraud. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41, 351–376.
• Yuehua Xu, Wei Shi, Xin Qin, Junsheng Zhang, Xiaojian Tang. 2022. Is identification all the same? The differential effects of CEO and CFO organizational identification on corporate philanthropy. Management and Organization Review, 18(1), 73-107.
•Yuehua Xu, Guangtao Zeng. 2021. Corporate social performance aspiration and its effects. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38, 1181-1207. (SSCI; IF/2018: 2.737)
• Lin Zhang,Yuehua Xu*(Co-first author, corresponding), Honghui Chen, Runtian Jing. 2020. Corporate philanthropy after fraud punishment: An institutional perspective. Management and Organization Review, 16(1), 33-68. (SSCI; IF/2018: 2.40)
• Guangtao Zeng, Yuehua Xu* (Co-first author, corresponding). 2019. Sustainable development and the rating effects: A strategic categorization approah. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26, 1554-1564. (SSCI; IF/2018: 4.918)
• Yuehua Xu, Ling Zhang, Honghui Chen. 2018. Board age and corporate financial fraud: An interactionist view. Long Range Planning, 51(6), 815-830. (SSCI; IF/2018: 3.363)
• Daphne W. Yiu, Jun Su, Yuehua Xu. 2013. Alternative financing and private firm performance.Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(3), 829-852. (SSCI; IF/2013: 2.742)
4. 其他期刊论文(C以上)
• Wenwen An, Yuehua Xu* (Corresponding author), Jianqi Zhang. 2018. Resource constraints, innovation capability and corporate financial fraud in entrepreneurial firms.Chinese Management Studies, 12(1), 2-18. (SSCI; IF/2017: 0.936)
• Yuehua Xu, Songhua Hu, Xu’an Fan. 2011. Entry mode choice of Chinese enterprises: The impacts of country risk, cultural distance and Their Interactions.Frontier of Business Research in China, 5(1), 63-78.
• Yuehua Xu, Songhua Hu, Xu’ang Fan. 2009. The impact of country risk and cultural distance on transnational equity investments: Empirical evidence of Chinese enterprises. Chinese Management Studies, 3(3), 235-248. (SSCI)
5. 论著章节:
• Daphne W. Yiu, Xing Chen, & Yuhua Xu. 2013. Corporate Governance in Business Groups. In Wright, M., Siegel, D. S., Keasey, K., & Filatotchev, I. (Eds.), the Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance(p.465-488). Oxford, UK, and New York: Oxford University Press, 12126 number of words, 2013.
6. 教学案例与评论文:
• 王益民,徐月华,苏钱宏,徐萌,王艺骁,许建邦,陈柯,和佳琪. 2021. 星火燎原:海信海外根据地演进之路. 中国管理案例共享中心(全国“百优”案例).
• 胡紫娟,徐月华. 2021. 互联网平台企业发展的垄断问题及监管分析. 广东经济.
· 徐月华,王益民,苏钱宏,黄心怡. 2021. 海斯比的造岛梦. 中国工商管理国际案例库.
• 王益民, 徐月华,辛丽. 2020. 化解危机:有效信息披露助力企业疫情管理. 人文天下, 161(03), 6-8.
• 徐月华,陈宏辉,赖虹妤,黄心怡. 2019. 美的在印度. 中国工商管理国际案例库.(该案例还被评为“ChinaCases.Org教学使用最多的十大热门案例”之一(2019.07-2020.06),“2021 ChinaCases.Org年度热门案例”(战略与综合管理第一名)